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Liberty Hill High School

Liberty Hill Success Academy


Liberty Hill Success Academy logoLiberty Hill Success Academy is the LHISD's Academic Program of Choice. This alternative learning environment will serve students with many stories and situations who, for one reason or another, may not have found success in a more traditional high school setting. LHSA focuses on individualized learning through a self-paced online curriculum blended with student-centered instruction. LH Success Academy is the ideal choice for students needing to recover credits,  seek a smaller academic learning community or accelerate their learning to graduate.


Mission Statement

Our mission is to empower all students to embrace learning, achieve their personal best and build their emotional, social and physical well-being in a safe and respectful environment.



Liberty Hill Success Academy prepares all future graduates to become college and career-ready, independent thinkers, and lifelong learners.


Core Beliefs:

  • Every student can SUCCEED! 
  • Academic success begins with relationships.
  • Learning should be relevant to a student’s career pathway.
  • Choices determine outcomes
  • Culture is created by all stakeholders; learning is a combined effort.
  • Success Academy students will align their specific goals with the LHISD Learner Profile



Headshot of Jonathan Bever


Director of Student Success
Mr. Jonathan Bever


Contact Information
Liberty Hill High School
16500 W. HWY 29
Liberty Hill, Texas 78642
(512) 260-5569 ext 1150